Tuesday, May 31, 2011

From Florence to Seaside May 26, 2011

We headed out for Seaside Thursday morning in the rain.  Yes, I am whining.  That is what I do when it rains.  I am a weather weenie.  I like sunshine.
Again the road was curvy and I had to stay in my seat and take pictures.

Although I did get a few pictures of the ocean on the way by.
The weather was too dreary to see much of anything but the bridge.

We got a players card hoping it would save a couple of dollars on our meal.......but no.  However, we did get $5 free play, so after we ate, we wasted up our free $5.  It didn't take long, LOL. 
Then it was back on the road...............
.....and back to the curves.

I thought this was unique as I had never seen a covered pedestrian bridge before.

We even got dripped on in the bridge!

We arrived at the RV park and set up in the rain in late afternoon. 

Saturday (which actually turned out to be a pretty nice day) we had breakfast at a little cafe at the RV park.  It was good and we actually were given enough food.  Some places don't give you enough hashbrowns for the eggs.  I had the blueberry pancake and even got hashbrowns with that.

We also went for a walk on the beach.  There were lots of people....digging holes........building sand castles.....flying kites........playing in the surf........and just walking.  It was a very busy holiday weekend.
The view landward was not so wonderful.  Seaside is a very touristy place.

There I am coming up from the beach after our walk almost to where the numbers of people were thinning out.

There was a circle turn around at the end of the street............
........with a statue of Lewis and Clark in the middle.  This was the end of their trail.

There were all kinds of little vehicles you could rent........little surries with 4-6 sets of pedals depending on how many people they held..........big trikes........and these little things.

Cute, huh?
There was a carousel in the mall that Roger's folks rode on last time they were here.  I think we have a picture of them riding it somewhere.

This picture speaks for itself, I think.

Until next time........God bless.
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(E-Store) ontheroadcreations.etsy.com
(beading, traveling blog) ontheroadcreations.blogspot.com
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 25, 20011 Bead stores, beach, and museum at Florence OR

There were 2 beads stores in Florence!!!!!  Roger took me to both of them!!!!!  
I didn't get a picture of the 2nd one, but look at the wonderful stuff I found in both of them.

Together with the faceted teardrops, these will make some lovely earrings.

I was out of 3-D crosses, so I made a few.  Now I just need to put them on ribbons to be hung up.

What do you say?
The first trail we tried to take to the top of the dune that was between us and the ocean was very steep and the sand was loose and deep.  I didn't make it to the top of that one and when I turned around to go back down, I kept falling on my butt.  I just couldn't keep my balance in that deep soft sand, LOL.  But this one was better.

This is what was on the other side of the dune.  I didn't go down the other side because it was steeper and I would have had to climb back up again.  I am really out of shape..........really out of shape.

See?  We were really there!

Then we went into town.  Most of town was on the other side of the historic Siuslaw drawbridge.

We found the museum not far past the bridge.  We really enjoy museums.

That should be door.  Who proofread this anyway? 

Now for the inside stuff.  This is the home furnishing part.

Here I am taking a picture of me taking a picture, LOL.

Sorry about the glare.

My story about another phone like this is from when I was about 5 years old.  The house we lived in had one of these phones in the attic.  When you held the ear piece and cranked the crank on the other side (this one doesn't seem to have one), it would shock you.  Not real bad, but a definite tingling sensation.  Whenever someone would come to visit with kids that hadn't been there before, we would take them upstairs and have them hold the ear piece and crank the crank.  It didn't take too long for us to run out of victims, though.
This stove looks like you could build a fire in it and start cooking.

I say this is proof that there were beadaholics way before my time.  I am just carrying on the tradition.  That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

then we moved into the area of working paraphernalia

He looks a little suspicious to me.  Hmmmmmmmmm.

The woman in the wedding pictures made the following jewelry and hair keepers out of her own hair.

Now this is talent

Now we go upstairs for the rest of the stuff.

That should be telephone.  Again, no proofreading! I guess I'll just have to do it myself, LOL.
There were lots of baskets.

They had a large collection of shells.
I have no idea what this black hairy thing is.

Indians were beadaholics, too.

A driftwood mosaic
Kids don't even know what typewriters are now days.

Now for the sewing room.

Then we went down to the marina on the river and walked around the old part of town.

We walked down to this shop (I didn't get a picture of the whole thing) to see if they had any fish at a decent price......nope.  We also asked the man where the best place would be to get a good bowl of clam chowder.  He said that usually it would be his place, but he wasn't making any today.  He also said that he didn't like the chowder at Mo's because they spiced it up too much.   Later, we called our friend who had been here before and asked her.  She said Mo's had the best clam chowder.  Go figure.

So we decided to have some clam chowder for dinner at...................

...........and it was very, very good! 
Tomorrow we will head north to Seaside for a week.
Until next time, God bless.

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(E-Store) ontheroadcreations.etsy.com
(beading, traveling blog) ontheroadcreations.blogspot.com
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