Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2011 Christmas ornament and getting the Dodge ready to paint

I had to order beads to make more ornaments.......I will make about 50 so I will have some left over to sell to pay for the beads.  I put in 2 orders online to 2 different places and spent less than $100.  That is not my usual behavior.  I usually spend at least $100, but we are having to watch our pennies so I am being a good girl, kind of.  LOL  Here is what they look like.  I really like lavender, this would look nice with pearls as well.
Most of them have pearls, but I had to order more before I could make more.  That's why the lavender one has other beads.  I really like the blue one, too.......I guess I like them all.  I have about 6 of them made now.

This is one I made in 2007.  It looks like it has flowers on it.  I have several of these left in different colors.

Roger finally got the logging done and is now getting the Dodge pickup ready to paint.  Yesterday, he worked on getting the canopy and other "stuff" off the truck.  We will paint it the same color.  We have grown used to the yellow and kind of even like it now.  However, it does make it hard to hide from anyone.

He wants to build a different back bumper.  He has never liked the wimpy one it came with.
Even the little stuff has to come off.

The clear coat is peeling just about everywhere except on the sides of the canopy.  It looks really ugly.
The front bumper looks pretty ugly as well. 
That was yesterday's work.  Today, the sanding begins. 

Roger's dad pitched in to help.  What a team.

Our poor truck just doesn't look the same! 

It is raining off and on today.  I did get my mile walk in before breakfast.  Roger always gets up before me and walks at least 6 miles before breakfast.  He also finishes his 6 miles before I finish my wimpy little 1 mile walk.  Until next time, God bless.
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(beading, traveling blog)
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1 comment:

  1. Wow.. your ornaments sure are gorgeous!!! Looks like you have been very busy working on them, as well as Roger getting busy on the truck. Good... keeps him outta mischief! LOL

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
