Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2011 Christmas ornament and getting the Dodge ready to paint

I had to order beads to make more ornaments.......I will make about 50 so I will have some left over to sell to pay for the beads.  I put in 2 orders online to 2 different places and spent less than $100.  That is not my usual behavior.  I usually spend at least $100, but we are having to watch our pennies so I am being a good girl, kind of.  LOL  Here is what they look like.  I really like lavender, this would look nice with pearls as well.
Most of them have pearls, but I had to order more before I could make more.  That's why the lavender one has other beads.  I really like the blue one, too.......I guess I like them all.  I have about 6 of them made now.

This is one I made in 2007.  It looks like it has flowers on it.  I have several of these left in different colors.

Roger finally got the logging done and is now getting the Dodge pickup ready to paint.  Yesterday, he worked on getting the canopy and other "stuff" off the truck.  We will paint it the same color.  We have grown used to the yellow and kind of even like it now.  However, it does make it hard to hide from anyone.

He wants to build a different back bumper.  He has never liked the wimpy one it came with.
Even the little stuff has to come off.

The clear coat is peeling just about everywhere except on the sides of the canopy.  It looks really ugly.
The front bumper looks pretty ugly as well. 
That was yesterday's work.  Today, the sanding begins. 

Roger's dad pitched in to help.  What a team.

Our poor truck just doesn't look the same! 

It is raining off and on today.  I did get my mile walk in before breakfast.  Roger always gets up before me and walks at least 6 miles before breakfast.  He also finishes his 6 miles before I finish my wimpy little 1 mile walk.  Until next time, God bless.
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(beading, traveling blog)
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

More Logging and a Baby Shower

After cutting down that tree at the bottom of the hill, he cut it in chunks and brought it up to the little barn to split up into fire wood.  He worked the splitter while his parents stacked the wood in the little barn.
They had plenty to do.

There was several dead trees out in the woods that Roger's mom wanted cut down, so he got out his tools and headed for the woods.

  This is the first one.  Roger had me watching the dog while he cut it down to make sure the dog stayed out of the way.

The 2nd one was leaning quite a bit and already had Fungi growing on it.

He scoped out where he wanted it to fall.  It wasn't leaning in quite the direction he wanted it to go.

Then he made his first cut in the direction he wanted it to go. 
That old dead tree was pretty tall.

Ahh.  Just where he wanted it to land....on top of the pile of turkey poop.

Roger cut the tree in chunks while his dad chopped the limbs off with the axe.

Meanwhile, the clouds were parting to give us a little sunshine.

Saturday I went to a baby shower for my niece, Becky.  She is having a girl and her name is Nichole Vivian.
We did the usually stuff......played games (I won 2 of them and I usually never win anything!)  and talked loudly and laughed a lot.  The men stayed outside most of the time.  There was one game I refused to play.  They put pieces of different chocolate bars in disposable diapers and melted them a little in the microwave and squished them around so it looked like poop.  Then they would smell (and even taste) what was in the diapers and write down what they thought was in each one.  I did get a picture of my niece, Paua (we call her that because on her birthday cake I forgot to put the L in Paula) with her nose in a diaper with my phone, but I didn't know how to save it.  That was a good picture, too.  Oh well. 
This is my sister, Pam.  She played the game, too.
My nieces Paua and Jamie.

Nichole Vivian's first bracelet from her grandma Pam.
They had 3 cakes.  They had a BBQ after the shower with hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad and some other yummy food, so I didn't have to cook dinner.  Yeah!!!!
Sunday Roger and I were going to meet our son, Ken, and his family at the motorcycle race track to watch him and our grandson, Kyle, practice.  After that all of us were going to meet Roger's folks in town for dinner for Father's Day.  It had rained  too much and the track was closed, so Ken and his family met us for church.  After church, we all went into town to the Chinese buffet for lunch.  Then we all met back at the bus and took a 4-generation picture.  We had a good Father's day.
There is Roger's dad, Les, Roger, son Ken, and grandsons Aaron and Kyle.  Goofy dog Missy had to get in the picture , too.
Last night after we went to bed, Missy started barking and barking and barking.  Sometimes she will do that to get Roger to come outside and then give him her ball.  She is goofy.  We decided that we should check and see what she was barking about.  She had a raccoon up a tree.  They can really tear up a garden.  So I held the flashlight while Roger shot it.  It fell out of the tree still alive and Missy was right on it.  While they were fighting it looked like the raccoon was attached to Missy's head.  Well, Missy won that fight and the poor raccoon is no more.  She is a good dog even if she is goofy.
I started on Christmas ornaments for this year (I do a different pattern every year so everyone gets one of each design).  I make a bunch in different colors.  I picked out a beautiful pattern that I had bought online a few years ago.
Beautiful, huh?  Look at all that fringe!  The pattern was well-written.

So, I got started beading.  I made the band that went around the middle of the ball.

As it turned out, it was going to cost me about $15 in materials to make EACH ONE!  Plus it was going to take me a couple days to make each one.  That will never do, so I decided to make my own pattern with an idea I got from this one.  This one has 78 pearls and 24 dagger beads.  I only saved 2 peals, but the number of dagger beads went from 90 to 24.  I can make 3-4 a day if I need to. 
This is only partly done and I have finished 2 and started another.  I would have gotten 3 done yesterday, but both of the ones that are finished, I had to take apart and start over when I had them partly done.  On the first one, I didn't make the top ring quite big enough and the second one I took apart because the thread got so tangled at one point that I had to cut it. 
I will take pictures of the finished ones for my next post. Until next time.........God bless.

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(beading, traveling blog)
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Beads------Timber!!!----Really cute great grandson

.  First, the beads.  I made more pom pom rings.  Rings for every finger.

I've been working on this wing spreader with fir tree limbs on it.
It is for this shiny black eagle.

Ah, that's better.  I can see ya now.

Almost finished!

I took pictures of some hair accessories I made a while back.  The first one has a dichroic bead in the center.
surrounded by bead embroidery

with leather on the back

The next one is a green and brown butterfly.  I beaded the butterfly and then sewed it to the leather.

I also put some beads on the end of the stick.

This one was beaded and not put on leather.

I beaded around the end of the stick.

There was a dead tree at the bottom of the hill on Roger's folks place that needed to be cut down and cut into fire wood.  Roger got out the chain saw.

And he got out the old tractor and left with his cup of tea.

This is the dead tree that has been waiting for him all winter.

There he goes, just not very fast.

A deer came out of the woods to see what all the noise was about.  It looked at Roger for a few minutes and then went on it's way.
The noise didn't seem to bother it.  It wandered off slowly.

I missed the shot I when the tree was in the process of falling.  So I had to settle for an after picture.  It made a dust cloud when it hit the ground.

Some more pictures around the place.  The shade of lavender these rhododendrons are, is my favorite color.  They are just beautiful.
The stump garden.
This is goofy do Missy.  She is a pit bull/black lab mix.  She is wonderful with all ages of people, but very aggressive with other dogs.  That tail is always waggin.
This is the van trailer that we have used for storage since we started traveling.
An old school bus with a wheelchair lift in the side that Roger put all his tools in before we stared traveling because he couldn't part with them.  He covered up the windows and put a wall across behind the driver's seat with a door and padlock in it so he could lock it up tight.  It is now a tool bus.

We acquired this bus (that is just like ours but 10 yrs newer and an automatic) when our friend died.  Ray named it the Rayhound because it a greyhound in a former life.  He was a good friend and a good person. 

Home, sweet home.  We also have wonderful landscaping.......

...thanks to our wonderful landscapers.  There are birds in the bird house, too.
Roger's mom has flowers everywhere.
That far field is theirs as well.

Last Saturday some of our kids, our granddaughter and her boyfriend and our great grandson came over for hamburgers and a visit.  The little guy is walking and he is only 10 months old.  He doesn't walk everywhere, but he can go if you put him on his feet.
Our princess and little prince.
He likes the camera.

Now he wants the camera.

I love those precious blond curls.

First we eat........
.....then we drink.

Roger's folks,

At least she wasn't last this time.  I was last a couple times.
This is a priceless picture.  It will never go away, he he.
Until next time..........God bless
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