Thursday, January 19, 2012

SNOW!!!! A 4-letter word.

Just when this weather weenie thought it couldn't (wouldn't?) get any worse (colder) SNOWS!!!!!!!!!
True, there isn't an over abundance of that REALLY COLD stuff, but it is cold and slippery.
We'll not be getting any solar today folks.  It just won't penetrate that .....white stuff.

Even Missy thinks it's cold.
As you can see, I had to go outside to go to the basement to finish a purse for a customer.  Brrrrrrrrr.
Then the next morning we wake up to this! 
Here it is after the sun came up (?).
Roger put on his rubber boots.........but the snow was up to his knees.  He got snow in his boots, he he.  
A couple more pics of the ...........sssssssnow.

The poor dog had to jump to get around.  This sane weather weenie isn't going out in this stuff if she can help it.  Uh-uh.  Nope.
Luckily, Roger had already rigged up the little tractor with a snow blade so he could plow the snow off of the driveway.  A friend said he looked like the Gorton Fisherman, lol.
He's so cute! 
He did a good job.  He even went all the way out to the road.
There were some places the tractor wouldn't fit though.  This was not good for his back.
He even cleared some of the snow off of the trucks.  It was very deep.

Tomorrow I will show you pictures of the ICE that we had today.  Roger hasn't sent them to me yet.  

Until next time (from the frozen north land), God bless.

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(beading, traveling blog)
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